Syntax support
Support for a subset of python3 standard syntax.
Module API documentation.
Opbt Device Control
class device
- SetOutputMode: Sets the output device for script display.
- GetOutputMode: Gets the current output device for display.
- TransparentModeOn: Enter data transparent transmission mode.
- TransparentModeOff: Exit data transparent transmission mode.
- IecAutoOn: IEC automatic baud rate enable.
- IecAutoOff: IEC automatic baud rate disable.
- UartConfig: Serial port parameter configuration.
- UartSendByte: Send a byte to the serial port.
- UartGetByte: Receive a byte from the serial port.
- UartSendString: Send a string via the serial port.
- UartSendStringNoWait: Send a string via the serial port(no wait).
- LedSet: Turn ON/OFF/TOGGLE given LEDs
- LedBlink: Blinks the LEDs
- GetKeyStatus: Read the current value of a key
- TmosSystemProcess: OPBT system processing function
- LcdClear: Clears the LCD screen.
- LcdTextColor: Sets the text display color on the LCD screen.
- LcdTextXY: Sets the coordinates for displaying text on the LCD screen.
- LcdPrint: Displays a string on the LCD screen.
- LcdFill: Fills a specified color within a rectangular area.
Standard library
class MemChecker
Class MemChecker provide memory management functions.
- max: Print the maximum memory footprint value.
- now: Print the current memory usage value.
- getMax: Returns the largest memory footprint
- getNow: Returns the current memory usage value.
- resetMax:Reset the maximum memory usage value
class SysObj
- type: Print variable type
- remove: To remove a variable/object.
- int: For type conversion.
- float: For type conversion.
- str: For type conversion.
- print: provides print output。
Standard Data Structure
class List
- append: add an arg after the end of list.
- getitem: get an arg by the index.
- setitem: set an arg by the index.
- len: get the length of list.
class Dict
- getitem: get an arg by the key.
- setitem: set an arg by the key.
- remove: remove an arg by the key.
class ByteArray
Standard Multi-tasking
Standard multi-tasking library provides asynchronous multi-tasking capabilities(task loop).
class Task:
The Task class provides the task loop function, and a task loop can be created by creating an object of the Task class.
- call_always: regist a function to be called always.
- call_when: regist a function to be called when fun_when() return ‘True’.
- call_period_ms: register a function to be called periodically.
- run_once: run all registered function once.
- run_forever: run all registered function forever.
- run_until_ms: run all registered function until time is up.
- platformGetTick: need be overried to supply the system tick.
Debugger module provides features such as breakpoint debugging.
class Debuger
- set_trace
class struct
- pack
- unpack
- unpack_from
class time
- sleep
- sleep_s
- sleep_ms
- time
- time_ns
- gmtime
- localtime
- mktime
- ctime
- asctime
- tick_ms
System OS
class os
- mkdir
- rmdir
- chdir
- listdir
- getcwd
- open
- read
- write
- lseek
- close
- fstat
- remove
- rename
class fileStat
- st_size
class path
- join
- split
- splitext
- basename
- dirname
- exists
- isdir
- isfile
- isabs
- abspath
class JSON
- getObjectItem
- getArrayItem
- getArraySize
- getType
- getNext
- getPrev
- getChild
- getValueString
- getValueInt
- getValueDouble
- getString
- getValue
- isInvalid
- isFalse
- isTrue
- isBool
- isNull
- isNumber
- isString
- isArray
- isObject
- isRaw
- addItemToArray
- addItemToObject
- Parse
class Null
class True_
class False_
class Bool
class Number
class String
class Raw
class Array
class Object
class StringReference:
class ObjectReference:
class ArrayReference:
System Functions
- int
- bool
- float
- str
- iter
- range
- setitem
- getitem
- type
- isinstance
- len
- list
- dict
- tuple
- hex
- ord
- chr
- bytes
- cformat
- id
- open
- dir
- exec
- eval
- getattr
- setattr
- hasattr
- exit
- input
- abs
- max
- min
- help
- reboot
- clear
- gcdump
Math Functions
- ceil
- fabs
- floor
- fmod
- remainder
- trunc
- exp
- log
- log2
- log10
- pow
- sqrt
- acos
- asin
- atan
- atan2
- cos
- sin
- tan
- degress
- radianscosh
- sinh
- tanh