TP-BT Bluetooth Optical Probe

How to Change Your Device's Name


  1. Download a comport communication software. Serial Port Assistant is the one TESPRO team using for daily basics.
  2. Connect TP-BT Bluetooth Optical Probe with the Uplink Tool.
  3. Connect your TP-BT with uplink tool like following photo:

For IEC standard model:

For ANSI standard model:

Step One: Open "Serial Port Assistant"

Step Two: Setup Comport for Your Uplink Tool

Step Three: Change Device Name by Using AT Commands

  1. Enable AT command mode.


  2. Enter the rename command like following. There is no space between command and the name you want.

    For rename in SPP mode:


    For rename in BLE mode:


  3. Close AT command mode.


AT Commands Reference

AT+EN1 Enable AT command mode
AT+NAME<NEWNAME> Setup name for SPP mode
AT+NAME Read name in SPP mode
AT+BNAME<NEWNAME> Setup name for BLE mode
AT+BNAME Read name in BLE mode
AT+PIN Setup PIN for SPP mode
AT+PIN Read PIN for SPP mode
AT+ADDR Read MAC address
AT+VER Read Bluetooth version
AT+EN0 Close AT command mode