TP-BT: How to Change Baud Rate


Download a comport communication software. Serial Port Assistant is the one our R&D team uses it for daily basics. You can also try Serial Debug Assistant from Microsoft Store. Connect TP-BT Bluetooth Optical Probe with your computer, write down the comport assigned to device.

Step 1

Step 2

Step 3

Enter AT Command in the command box:


Step 4

Important Notice:

This change valid until device turned off. Every time TP-BT restarted, baud rate will be reset to device default. The only way to change default baud permanently rate is to replace device firmware.

AT Command Reference:

Baud Rate: 4800 9600 19200 38400 57600
Parity N: No parity
E: Even Parity
O: Odd Parity
Data Bits: 7 or 8
Stop Bits: 0 for 1 Stop bit
1 for 1.5 Stop bit
2 for 2 Stop bit